Even though it was packed in a large box and was fairly heavy, I thought I'd be able to carry it home (a few blocks walk) no problem. Halfway there, my arms thought better of it and decided to catch the #3 Bus the rest of the way home. Upon thinking this, I approached the bus stop near the Circle K just in time to see the #3 speed by. D'oh!
But, I am the luckiest person ever! At this exact moment, my ikebana sensei passed by with her bicycle and asked if I would like to balance the heavy box on her bike's basket and have her help me walk it the rest of the way home. She was so kind! I'm grateful to have such a nice teacher/neighbor.
So... can you tell what a でんしーレンジ is?
A microwave?
でんしーレンジ reads as denshi-renji and is indeed a microwave. Good job Derek! I guess it wasn't that tricky of a quiz after all. :)
I thought it was tricky. I had no idea. Congrats on your nukability.
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