Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Before and After

Wow! It's been a long time since I've written anything on our blog. To reward you for checking in with us from time to time despite the lack of new posts, I shall reveal my latest "makeover" results.

I cut off almost twelve inches of my hair to donate to Locks of Love, a charity that makes wigs for disadvantaged kids with cancer or other illnesses that make them go bald. I am happy with the results. It will be enjoyable re-growing my hair and discovering the fun of short and medium length styles again. Plus, it should take a lot less time to wash and dry. Yay!

I've been able to grow enough hair to make donations in 2003, 2006 and now, in 2009. Anyone want to venture a guess as to when I'll probably be donating again?


Wahooaud said...

Wow! And less chance of baby hands pulling it :)

Monica said...

YAY! A new post!! I love the new haircut - really suits you well! :)