Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lady Luck

I haven't made a blog post in a long time. Excuses, excuses. But, I have an interesting story as to why I've been so slack.

The story begins with a very pleasant surprise. I was offered a job that I never applied for! Talk about lucky!

Given 14 hours advance notice, I began working in the Romance Languages and Literatures department at Wesleyan as their administrative assistant. It's a perfect blend of finance, tact, organization and getting to use my Spanish. Sadly, the position was only temporary and an internal candidate has been chosen for the permanent spot. My assignment ends this coming Friday.

It was an awesome opportunity though as I've made some great contacts and Xavier has tried out (and loved!) day care. Even though he's so little, they still have "lesson plans" involving games, tummy time, art projects, etc... It's really cute. Knowing that X-man thrives even when I am not there with him all day, will make things easier when I do go back to work full time.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog reading. At least until I get lucky again.

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