Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Japanniversary!

As of today, we have been in Japan for one year. It is amazing how fast the time has gone and how many experiences we were able to squeeze into those twelve months. While it is fun to reflect on all the blessings and adventures of the past year, it's also foremost in our minds that we will be leaving Kyoto in two short weeks.
Twelve and a half months was not long enough for us to experience everything that Japan has to offer. I guess we'll just have to come back someday. :)

Here is an abridged list of things I will REALLY miss:
  1. Japanese festivals
  2. My students (こんにちは ひふみーさん,のりこーさん,みほーさんとみほーさん.)
  3. My landlords
  4. My friends in Japan (Special shout out to Sandra and Rieko)
  5. The friends I made in Japan who are also no longer in Japan
  6. Ikebana-sensei and ikebana class
  7. Tea Ceremony class (Mochi and Matcha)
  8. Walking/Biking all over Kyoto
  9. Relaxing by the Kamo-gawa River/Uji-gawa River
  10. Daimonji-yama
  11. Incredibly fresh and cheap sushi
  12. ごま ice cream
  13. Fireworks
  14. Wearing yukata
  15. Cherry Blossom season
  16. Special regional foods and sweets (ie: Okonomiyaki from Hiroshima, Momiji manjuu from Miyajima, Tonkatsu ramen from Hakata/Fukuoka, Takoyaki from Osaka, Sudachi mochi from Tokushima, etc...)
  17. Good (STRONG) coffee
  18. Onsens
  19. Karaoke
  20. Infinite photographic inspiration (See example above from Katsura Imperial Villa)
But, of course, we are getting excited to begin this next chapter too. I'm sure Connecticut will be fun, and it will be wonderful to see all of our family and friends in the US again.

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