Saturday, September 13, 2008

Help America Vote!

Today I volunteered a few hours of my time to help with a Voter Registration Drive in Middletown. The drive was co-sponsored by the Obama campaign and the local campaign for Matt Lesser. He's running for State Representative of CT's 100th district.

I was pretty nervous about it in advance. I didn't really like the idea of getting assigned a small section of my town and then knocking on doors to ask people if they wanted to register to vote. Also, I was apprehensive about my fellow volunteers since I used to think of politically active people as scary moonbat super-enthusiasts.

As it turned out, I didn't need to worry. The other volunteers were mostly retirees and college students who were inspired to take action because of the importance of the upcoming Presidential election. As far as I could tell, no one was a nutjob. :)

I was given the best possible assignment. No random walking and knocking on doors for me! Together with two older women, I got to register voters at an upscale assisted living community. We talked with loads of friendly old folks who were very interested in signing up to vote. Many of the residents were already registered and in between their bingo game and having their nails painted they were convincing their friends and the senior center employees to register too. It made our job very easy.

All in all, we registered about two dozen people while we were there. It's not a huge number, but it was worth it since each of the people that did register was genuinely happy for the opportunity to exercise their civic duty in November without having to deal with the hassle of signing up on their own.

1 comment:

Paradox13VA said...

Glad you had fun. Thanks for doing that, ever vote and every voter counts, and in places like Connecticut, we need to rack up good, big numbers for our side.